Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How in the world did you end up in FLORIDA?!

This question is still up for debate and perhaps, one night, when I have had wayyyyy too many glasses of wine and finished watching Charlie Sheen interviews on youtube will I share my journey with everyone. Because let's be real...who doesn't feel like less of a fuck up after watching Charlie Sheen act like an ass on national television?!  I know that I am not sitting alone at a table on this one LOL.  So needless to say, siting sadly sober at my desk at work with unwashed hair and a newly formed pimple that decided to come out on my chin after lunch, I will leave how I ended up in FL a mystery for now.

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, didn't graduate acuna mattata from Harvard, nor invented Facebook; however, I am a kinda funny little bitch with many crazy friends and always manage to get myself into some adventure or other that may or may not involve the authorities, but rest assured never a mall rent-a-cop. 

Do I want followers?  Not sure yet.  For years I have limited my embarassement which is my life to a chosen few hundred people by means of FB or simple phone calls to friends sharing my most assenine stories of the day...but now I kinda want the world to know that "hey, all that stupid shit I thought about on the can or driving to and from my mundane job aren't as dumb as I thought because sunshine's posts are way dumber!"

I don't want to be famous, I don't want to lipsync on youtube in the hopes that 50 cent makes a cameo, I don't want Obama bb'ming me asking for the name of that great lube he read about in one of my posts..  what I want is to make people laugh and take part of this electronic journal of sorts (recevies a text letting her know that blogs are not private-fuck!)

Oh and P.S.  I did pay a college a lot of money for this worthless piece of shit called a "bachelor's" degree.  I saw it on an infomercial one late night and called the 800 number drunk-came in the mail 4 years (*cough*I meant 5) later.  Wasn't worth the 40 grand, but other people seem to think it's helpful.  I'm waiting for mine to grow....

Oh and for those douche people who want to criticize and maybe even offer grammer or spelling tips...please don't waste your time.  It will only make you feel dumb when you figure out how much that shit doesn't matter to anyone but you.  (teehee...bbm smiley face)

1 comment:

  1. Loves it! My new daily read because books are overrated:-). Keep em coming good job...
